October 3, 2018

Social Impact Consulting

SIII’s Social Impact Consulting Services are designed to generate meaningful and marketable social impact measures, including Social Return on Investment (SROI), for foundations, non-profit service providers and any other organizations interested in social impact evaluation.

Calculate SROI

  • Quantify impact from funds and/or services
  • Share your SROI with funders and/or donors
  • Confidently make internal financial decisions based on generating a greater social return

Understand what Drives Impact

  • Learn which aspects of services are most important in generating intended outcomes
  • Recognize which outcomes are generating the most impact

Increase your Social Impact

  • Determine how to more efficiently use existing resources to increase impact
  • Develop a strategy to grow and achieve greater impact in the future

For additional inquiries about these services including pricing email bryan.keller@socialimpactinvestments.com